
Rafa Ruedak BeHIak ditu inspirazio iturri, abereak badira ere!!

Ahotseneako (Durango) karpapean aurkeztu zuenean, oso istorio polita kontatu zigun Rafa Ruedak. Behien mugimendu lausotuak, mingainaren joan etorriak belarra ahoratzeko unean eta beste hainbat xehetasun bukolikoak... horiek guztiak kokatu zituen aurrekari moduan kanta eder hau idazterakoan.
Spoken Berban (Bilbo) beste behin entzun nion, bideotxo hau lekuko.
Gomendio bat: ez galdu aukera berari zuzenean entzuteko, bai abestiak bai hauek aurkezterakoan eraikitzen dituen ipuin poetikoak.
Bioi zer pentsa ematen digute BeHIek.

Rafa Rueda told us a very beautiful story when he presented his new song under a tent in Ahotsenea.  To write this nice song he was inspired by the obfuscated movements of cows (BeHIak), the comings and goings of their tongue just at the time they bring the grass to their mouth and some other bucolic details. 
In Spoken Berba I heard him once again, this video as a proof. 
A suggestion: don't miss the opportunity to listen to both his songs and the poetic tales he builds up when presenting them live.
 Cows (BeHIak) give us both what to think about.